gear recommendations
Nearly every day I get asked for recommendations on various pieces of outdoor gear. It is hard to make general recommendations because every adventure is different, but here I am providing a look at my favorite basic overnight/alpine kit. This can change depending on the trip and if you have a specific question feel free to shoot us an email! You will also notice that many of the items listed are made by my sponsors. I only work with companies that I truly believe in, so even though it may seem biased, this is the gear I truly love and trust to keep me safe.
Click on the item for a description.
mountain training tips
Training for a big or small mountain objective can be a daunting task. Everyone starts with a different base, so no single program works for everyone. Before an adventure, I typically apply a few principals:
8-12 weeks is typically enough time for focused training if you have a reasonable level of fitness at the start.
Try to mimic the activity you are training for during your training. For example, if you are climbing Rainier then your training should include walking uphill with a weighted pack. If you are going ice climbing your training should include upper body work and balance.
Rather than just running for 12 weeks, a variety of activities will better prepare you for any objective. Try to keep mixing it up.
Planning and setting small goals is everything. I plan the entire 12 weeks before day one. I usually have some focused time off to let my mind and body recover but I do my best to stick to the intentions I have set.
Don’t underestimate the need for mental training. I do this by running which I dislike, but doing it anyway helps me do other things that are hard that I do enjoy. Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone during training will help when you have hard days during your adventure.
Listen to your body. Running isn’t for everyone, Yoga isn’t for everyone. Be nice to yourself and listen to your body if it is telling you no.
12 Week Pre-Expedition Training
An example of a training program I have used, with success is below. Keep in mind that this is customized for me and my abilities and you should work with a professional prior to starting any fitness or training program.
3 Days Per Week
60-90 minute uphill hike (can be on stepmill, treadmill or stairs) with a weighted pack (I use 50 pounds as a starting weight)
Sprinting workouts- after warm up, 30 seconds of max effort, 15 seconds of rest for 10 cycles. Sprints can be incline treadmill, bike or jumprope
Focused core workout. Combo of push-ups/Planks and stability work
2 Days Per Week
Focused weight lifting for upper and lower body
Yoga or 60 minutes of stretching
For a duration of 12 weeks I also train for an endurance running race. My total mileage varies each week from between 20 and 40 miles, and typically includes running about 3-4 times in a week.
Again, this is just an example of what I might do to train and shouldn’t be considered a recommendation since each individual has their own goals and abilities.